


Brain Awareness Week

is an international initiative, aimed at raising awareness among the general public and professionals about the importance of research and knowledge of the nervous system for individuals and society. Each March, we create a unique week-long program that includes lectures, workshops, roundtables, film screenings with expert commentary, and a creative competition for primary school students. Events organized by students and young professionals take place in Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper, Novo mesto, Tolmin, Idrija, and Celje.

SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference

The SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference is an international event organized biennially by SiNAPSA since 2007. The conference covers a wide range of neuroscience fields, from basic to clinical research. It is designed for students, young, and experienced neuroscientists from Slovenia, the region, and around the world to present their research, acquire new knowledge, and establish collaborations.


eSiNAPSA is an online journal aimed at disseminating knowledge and insights from the field of neuroscience. It is intended for Slovenian neuroscientists and the broader Slovenian scientific and professional community interested in neuroscience. Publications include brief scientific reviews and reports, book presentations, conference reports, and historical records. Contributions are gathered twice a year into a single online publication.

Zdrava glava

Mens sana in capite sano

Mens sana in capite sano (A healthy mind in a healthy body)  is an initiative by SiNAPSA that promotes lifelong evidence-based care for brain health. Our main platform is the website, where we regularly publish new summaries of scientific research across various areas related to brain health, including diet, physical and cognitive activity, sleep and leisure. The project is supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Health, Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency, International Brain Research Organization and the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies.

Scholarship fund

SiNAPSA Scholarship Fund

SiNAPSA Scholarship Fund aims to support junior neuroscientist members in their education and training. Scholarships enable attendance and active participation at scientific meetings, summer schools, and short-term visits to research institutions abroad. Calls for scholarships are issued twice a year (in January and June). The scholarship funding conditions and eligibility criteria are available here.

A visually stunning exploration of the complex beauty hidden in the depths of the human brain.

New contributions are welcome.